
Nuždić: Everything Serb bothers political Sarajevo

Nuždić: Everything Serb bothers political Sarajevo

The acting director of the Republic Center for War Research, War Crimes, and Missing Persons, Viktor Nuždić, told RTRS that political Sarajevo is troubled by everything Serb because they aim to challenge Republika Srpska.

“It’s not January 9th itself that bothers them; it’s any date with which Serbs identify. Their problem isn’t the celebration, but the existence of Republika Srpska,” emphasized Nuždić.

Commenting on the initiative to dismiss Elmedin Konaković, the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers, Nuždić stated that Bosniak politicians are creating conditions where, 30 years after the war, there is still no normalization of relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

He pointed out that this situation is exacerbated by the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of BiH, as well as the Constitutional Court of BiH, which should work to ensure the safety and security of all citizens in BiH instead of fueling divisive rhetoric.

Nuždić stressed that BiH cannot exist without Republika Srpska.

“Republika Srpska is an integral part of BiH and contributed its statehood to BiH during the Dayton Agreement negotiations,” Nuždić stated, adding that Republika Srpska was established as a response to the outvoting of Serb representatives in BiH.

Regarding the case initiated by the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH over the celebration of January 9th, Nuždić said this institution should focus on prosecuting those responsible for crimes against Serbs.

“If only they had been so diligent when it came to crimes against Serbs,” Nuždić concluded.

Source: RTRS
