
Fila: Dissolution of BiH possible under the Dayton Agreement

Fila: Dissolution of BiH possible under the Dayton Agreement

Lawyer Toma Fila stated that peaceful dissolution is not the same as secession and that dissolution in BiH is possible under the Dayton Peace Agreement if everyone agrees. He also noted that the latest statement from the US Embassy in BiH is a threat to Republika Srpska in a world where international law no longer exists.

Fila assessed that the US wants to use the call for peaceful dissolution, as well as the Srebrenica resolution, to destroy Republika Srpska, pointing out that the peaceful dissolution proposed by Republika Srpska is not the same as secession.

He stated that the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, correctly and timely sensed that the resolution’s goal is to destroy Republika Srpska and announced that the Government of Srpska would seek dissolution.

According to him, the US wants to use this to destroy Republika Srpska due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.

Emphasizing that the latest statement from the US Embassy in BiH is a threat to Republika Srpska, Fila said that international law no longer exists.

“I saw this as early as 1996 and told everyone. International law no longer exists—only the law of the stronger. If America assesses that it is stronger, it will declare whatever it wants, including a unitary BiH where Bosniaks will be the majority and Serbs the minority, and then that will be how it is. A recipe like for Kosovo,” Fila concluded.

The US Embassy has stated that secession or “dissolution” of Republika Srpska does not mean its independence nor the end of BiH but the end of Republika Srpska.

Source: RTRS
