Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, stated that if the resolution on Srebrenica is adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, it will definitively bury Bosnia and Herzegovina because it eliminates the possibility of reconciliation between the two nations. Those who support its adoption do so for speculative reasons.

“This is like rubbing salt into the wound. The Bosniak Muslims will gain nothing from it except satisfaction, while the Serbs will reject it and not implement anything from it,” Dodik said in an interview with Russia Today.

The President of Srpska pointed out that foreign factors had started to label the behavior of the Serbs as genocidal even before anything happened, and they had forewarned that the Serbs were allegedly preparing for genocide.

When asked which countries, besides Russia, will vote against the Srebrenica resolution, Dodik said he believes there will be around 40 countries that “understand the situation.”

“I wouldn’t speculate, but from what I know, about 40 countries will be against it. That’s not insignificant when you consider that there will be 70, maybe even more, who will abstain. Then it means that the definitive majority in the UN General Assembly will not vote ‘for’,” Dodik explained.

If the majority of votes are abstained or against the resolution, Dodik says, it means that most of the global community does not believe that a genocide occurred in Srebrenica.

“Those who vote ‘for’ do so for speculative reasons,” Dodik stated.

The President of Republika Srpska believes that the initiative for the Srebrenica resolution is coordinated with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s decision to admit Kosovo* to the Council of Europe, to exert pressure on the Serb people.

“In the Council of Europe’s statutes, it states that member countries can only be UN members, and Kosovo is not. This rule-breaking at a moment that suits them shows how much they manipulate things. I absolutely think this is coordinated, and after all, the same promoters are behind all these events,” said Dodik.

Dodik reminded that the Human Rights Court, established at the level of the international factor in Bosnia and Herzegovina, had once requested two reports—one on Srebrenica and one on Sarajevo.

“The one that was for Srebrenica dealt only with the suffering of Bosniak Muslims, not the Serbs in the area of Srebrenica, who numbered about 3,500,” Dodik recalled, questioning what about the report on Serbs who suffered in camps in Sarajevo held by Muslims, which were more than the Bosniaks who suffered in Srebrenica.

Dodik expressed surprise that Rwanda was one of the initiators of the resolution.

“In Srebrenica, you have evidence that the Army of Republika Srpska separated women and children and transferred them to the territory controlled by Muslims. In Rwanda, 970,000 members of one people were killed by another. Women, children, the elderly, men—no one was spared. Now Rwanda, probably trying to wash its own history, attempts to support the resolution. Shame on them!” Dodik exclaimed.

Source: RTRS
