The visit of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, to Montenegro and his meeting with the President of the Montenegrin Assembly, Andrija Mandić, are of great importance for enhancing mutual cooperation between the two countries, said Bojan Šolaja from the Center for International and Security Studies Banja Luka.

Šolaja told Srna that yesterday’s visit demonstrates Republika Srpska’s openness to regional cooperation, especially with Serbia and Montenegro, where a significant number of Serbs live.

He mentioned that Dodik’s offer to Montenegro for closer and more direct cooperation, similar to that which Republika Srpska has with Serbia, offers the possibility of strengthening all types of ties between the two countries, from political to economic.

Šolaja highlighted that Dodik, in his meeting with Mandić, expressed strong support for Montenegro on its European path because Republika Srpska also supports that path for BiH, participating in it according to its capacities.

He stated that on this occasion, Dodik reiterated the stance of Republika Srpska that there should be no conditioning on the European path, meaning that Republika Srpska is not in favor of compromising its identity by setting certain conditions for EU membership.

“Dodik’s visit is also a form of support for the Serbian people in Montenegro in terms of the policies they advocate for,” Šolaja assessed.

The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, yesterday met with the President of the Montenegrin Assembly, Andrija Mandić, in Podgorica, and visited the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica and the crypt where the tomb of the late Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, Amfilohije, is located.

Source: RTRS
