In the trial against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, the key witness will be Christian Schmidt, and we will call him to testify, said Anto Nobilo, a member of the defense team of the President of Republika Srpska, during a Telering interview.

“Schmidt will have to explain in the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina who appointed him and who gave him authority. He is a very important witness for us,” emphasized Nobilo.

He stated that the defense has the right to prove that Schmidt lacks authority because he is “entangled” in the indictment.

Nobilo mentioned that those who designed this process have miscalculated.

He stressed that by targeting Dodik as a political opponent, they’ve given him a significant platform.

“Now he can start a sovereignist policy. This could be the beginning of dismantling the ‘High Representative.’ Bosnia and Herzegovina is dysfunctional because they did not allow the peoples, through their elected representatives, to agree on how they will live. Politically and in every other sense, this procedure will rebound on those who initiated it,” stated Nobilo.

When asked what if Schmidt refuses to testify, Nobilo said that a witness who refuses to testify can be brought in.

He emphasized that it’s crystal clear that a politically fabricated process is being conducted against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“It has a single goal – to permanently eliminate Dodik from the political scene,” Nobilo claimed.

Alongside legal arguments, Nobilo explained that they would prove that the President of Republika Srpska acted in accordance with the Constitution.

“It’s entirely evident that this is a political procedure because it has a political objective. We all know the political objective – to eliminate Milorad Dodik from politics so that he cannot hold any function. They are merely using the means of criminal proceedings. I would like to believe that the Court will judge as impartially as possible. Today, the Court made reasonable and law-based decisions,” concluded Nobilo.

Source: RTRS
