The actions of elected officials of Republika Srpska in no way pose a threat to the sovereignty, integrity, or constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated the BiH Ambassador to France, Bojana Kondić Panić.
Speaking on the French online television channel “Geopolitique Profonde” (GPTV) about the ongoing institutional crisis in BiH, Kondić Panić was joined by prominent French lawyer and judge, Georges Domergue.
During the discussion, the speakers analyzed the causes and consequences of the actions of the so-called High Representative in BiH, highlighting the illegitimacy of his decisions and their negative impact on the stability and future of the country.
“Republika Srpska only seeks the authentic implementation of Dayton”
Ambassador Kondić Panić explained the legal and legislative framework of BiH established by the Dayton Peace Agreement, aiming to clarify to the French and broader Francophone public the roots of the political crisis in BiH. She emphasized the importance of a fair and constructive approach to resolving the crisis, which has become a key issue in Western political circles.
French lawyer Georges Domergue elaborated on the original role and powers of the High Representative, which stem from the Dayton Agreement and were intended to ensure legal order and post-war normalization of relations among BiH’s three constituent peoples. He also stressed that Republika Srpska, more than ten years after the signing of Dayton, is simply asking for its authentic application.
- The democratic institutions of BiH as a sovereign state exclude the legal paradox of a foreign third party overseeing them and assuming powers beyond those assigned by the agreement, Domergue pointed out.
He also drew a parallel with France, stating that it would be unthinkable for European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to assume the role of France’s sovereign president with full executive and legislative powers, despite never being democratically elected in the country.
Ambassador Kondić Panić: Srpska’s laws are not a threat to BiH
Ambassador Kondić Panić reiterated that the laws adopted by Republika Srpska concerning the rejection of certain joint institutions are in line with Dayton. She clarified that these institutions were never originally foreseen by the agreement but were later accepted under external pressure.
- The current political crisis is actually the result of unconstitutional interventions by the so-called High Representative, whose actions violate the rights guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kondić Panić stated.
- This is a process of dismantling and usurping powers, not the effective implementation of those granted to joint institutions by the Constitution, she emphasized.
She categorically rejected claims that the actions of Srpska’s elected officials undermine BiH’s sovereignty. Instead, she emphasized that Republika Srpska does not support the interference of the so-called High Representative in internal affairs and that for Srpska, the Constitution of BiH and the Dayton Agreement are the only valid legal frameworks.
- Talks of separatist ambitions in Srpska are baseless. Our goal is to return to the framework established by Dayton and ensure balanced relations between BiH’s constituent peoples, Kondić Panić affirmed.
She further stressed that mutual respect, dialogue, and a willingness to reach consensus among the three constituent peoples are essential conditions (“sine qua non”) for BiH’s stability and future.
“One German decides who goes to prison – that is unacceptable”
- For years, the Serb side in BiH has been calling for dialogue. However, the culmination of external interference in BiH’s internal affairs was the imposition of a criminal law under which people can be imprisoned for failing to comply with the decisions of a single German individual, Kondić Panić concluded, referring to the actions of Christian Schmidt, whom Republika Srpska does not recognize as a legitimate High Representative.
Source: Atv