
Ćosić: The Attorney General of Srpska must react to the BiH court decision regarding Jahorina

Ćosić: The Attorney General of Srpska must react to the BiH court decision regarding Jahorina

The Mayor of East Sarajevo, Ljubiša Ćosić, expressed hope that, following the interim measure by the Court of BiH banning investment works at the Vučiji Most site on Jahorina, the Attorney General of Srpska will react to challenge this measure through legal mechanisms aimed at fostering the development of Srpska and BiH.

Ćosić emphasized that this case should serve as an impetus to demonstrate “that Jahorina, particularly the area designated by municipal zoning and the spatial plan adopted by the city and Republika Srpska, can evolve into an even stronger and more prominent investment zone and that no decision by the Court of BiH can halt progress.”

“The practice of using state institutions to undermine Republika Srpska continues. It is even more paradoxical that this is being done at the initiative of the BiH Attorney General’s Office, which is supposed to act in the interests of the constituent parts of the country,” Ćosić stressed.

According to him, the interim measure imposed by the Court of BiH underscores the paradox in which this country operates.

“In every normal country in the world, institutions work to ensure that their organizational parts can function more efficiently, advance, and develop. Here, we see a court decision banning investment works on a site that is, after ‘Belgrade Waterfront,’ the most attractive investment location in the region,” Ćosić stated.

He added that officials in the Court of BiH are paid salaries funded by taxes, including those generated from investments on Jahorina. He pointed out that this should be a reason to support investment projects rather than obstruct them.

The Court of BiH issued an interim measure prohibiting Republika Srpska from undertaking investment works at the Vučiji Most site on Jahorina.

Source: RTRS
