The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, sent a congratulatory message to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the occasion of June 12 – Russia Day.

  • Dear President, on behalf of the citizens of Republika Srpska and myself, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and the brotherly people of the Russian Federation on June 12 – Russia Day. The historical, cultural, and religious ties, as well as the cooperation between Republika Srpska and Russia, are at an exceptional level – stated Dodik in his congratulatory message.

Dodik emphasized that Republika Srpska particularly appreciates Russia’s vote against the Srebrenica resolution and its consistent stance on respecting the Dayton Peace Agreement.

  • I am confident that we will continue to work on strengthening the friendly relations between our peoples in all areas, to our mutual satisfaction. With sincere wishes for the continued progress of the Russian Federation, which promotes the values of equality, multipolarity, and the equality of all nations in the world, I extend to you my deepest respect – Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
