The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that a referendum on the independence of Republika Srpska from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will be held, with the date yet to be determined.

“There is a decision regarding the separation, but the specific date has not been set yet. A lot of analysis needs to be done. We would like to do it already, but besides us, there are two other parties involved in this process. Of course, this will take time,” Dodik said in an interview with TASS on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

He mentioned that the process of negotiations on separation lies ahead.

“We are convinced that there is already enough historical and civilizational maturity to make this necessary and that it will happen,” Dodik emphasized.

According to him, if Republika Srpska were to remain part of BiH, it would be a waste of time and opportunities. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve what Republika Srpska desires as soon as possible to stop wasting resources, hoping in vain that BiH will accomplish something.

“We definitely do not want to create instability in our country’s territory, which is why we first proposed to BiH that we separate and move in that direction,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
