Russia does not influence the decision-making processes in BiH, believing that this should be the sovereign duty of the country’s own authorities, stated the Russian Embassy in BiH on its Facebook page.

We reproduce the statement from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in BiH in its entirety:

We could not overlook a sentence in the message from the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers, Elmedin Konaković, addressed to several of his colleagues in Eastern European countries regarding the decision of the Council of Ministers to deny citizens of those countries the opportunity to vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections on the territory of BiH.

According to Elmedin Konaković’s “belief,” the decision of the SNSD representatives in the Council of Ministers was influenced by the notorious “malignant Russian influence,” which, according to the minister’s observations, grows day by day.

We see in this statement a complete absence of logic. How can Russia’s influence be “malignant” for the members and leadership of the SNSD, who advocate for the development of mutually beneficial and constructive relations with the Russian Federation?

In fact – and this is well known – Russia does not influence the decision-making processes in BiH, believing that this should be the sovereign duty of the country’s own authorities. Unlike Western embassies, which by interfering in the work of both institutions and individual politicians, constantly threatening and manipulating, indeed poison the situation in BiH with their malignant miasms.

The sentence from Elmedin Konaković’s message testifies only to the desire to falsely shift the blame for the prevailing atmosphere onto others using primitive Western Russophobic clichés. It is a confirmation of the inability to establish a constructive dialogue with coalition partners in the interest of each of the constituent peoples of BiH, as well as all citizens of BiH.

Let us recall, Konaković wrote to the foreign ministers of Slovenia, Romania, and Poland regarding the decision not to allow the citizens of the three countries to vote in the European elections at their embassies in Sarajevo.

Source: RTRS
