The UN vote on the resolution regarding the genocide in Srebrenica has been covered by numerous media outlets.

SRF highlights that Serbia President Aleksandar Vučić sharply criticized the supporters of the resolution, describing them as “powerful, great, arrogant.”

He asked them whether this resolution would bring reconciliation. “No,” he immediately answered, “it brings division.”

“The debate at the UN, which has been going on for weeks both in front of and behind the scenes, was anything but conciliatory. Numerous country delegations accused the initiators of not negotiating transparently and not being persistent enough in seeking consensus,” SRF writes.

It emphasizes that the timing of this decision was “extremely unfortunate.”

“Why are we dealing with a genocide that happened 29 years ago while war crimes are being committed in Gaza,” SRF writes, concluding that “the dispute once again shows how deep the current divisions in the UN are and how little willingness there is to try to overcome them.”

Source: RTRS
