The first defeat of the initiators and sponsors of the Srebrenica resolution is the fact that the most significant scientific authorities have convincingly stated that there was no genocide in that municipality, while more and more evidence of manipulations and falsifications, intended to fill the false narrative of the events of July 1995, is surfacing, said Snežana Novaković Bursać, a delegate of the Serbian people in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

She emphasized that the second defeat is that more than half of the UN member states did not succumb to the pressure from countries like the USA and Germany, whose ideas and positions were followed until a few years ago.

“Significantly more than half of the world’s countries saw through these intentions and, by voting against, abstaining, or not voting at all, showed that they do not want to be instruments of an egotistical and destructive policy that undermines international law and world order,” Novaković Bursać said in a statement to Srna.

Novaković Bursać highlighted that the third defeat is seen in the fully exposed and widely visible hypocrisy and double standards that the sponsoring countries massively employ to achieve their own interests, while “sponsor-friendly countries try to ingratiate themselves with the sponsors.”

“The reasons for these defeats lie in the malicious intent of countries like Germany and Rwanda to empty the term ‘genocide’ of its essence and make it worthless to wash away their dark past, as well as in the attempt to divert attention from major global problems, such as the poor situation in Ukraine and the Middle East for the sponsors and sponsor-friendly countries, and the collapse of their influence in other parts of the world,” Novaković Bursać stated.

Novaković Bursać believes that the leadership of Serbia and Republika Srpska, under circumstances where the intentions of once great and powerful countries have been completely exposed, has shown an almost incredible resistance and vitality in defending the truth, while others have once again demonstrated that they are only willing to serve foreign interests, even to their own detriment.

Source: RTRS
