Minister of Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education of Republika Srpska, Željko Budimir, stated to Srna that the voting result on the Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly is an indication that imposing the will of the most important UN bodies is not easy and will have political consequences in BiH by opening all those processes that hinder reconciliation.

“The UN has been misused by those it was created by, namely Germany, after a similar resolution was vetoed by Russia and China in the UN Security Council in 2015. Now, they attempted to misuse the UN General Assembly and succeeded, but not in the way they envisioned,” Budimir said.

He emphasized that new times are coming, as indicated by the large number of states that abstained, not wanting to participate in such manipulations.

“Although this is a difficult decision for us, the entire other pole of power in world politics was against this resolution. The intention of the Germans and Americans to exceed 100 votes did not succeed,” Budimir highlighted.

He added that such documents require consensus, that is, unconditional agreement, which was not achieved, and Serbian diplomacy has achieved significant tactical results.

The UN General Assembly today adopted the resolution on Srebrenica with 84 votes in favor, while 87 countries were against or abstained.

Source: RTRS
