The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, stated today on Jahorina that the Srebrenica resolution inflicts enormous political damage on Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and further worsens the country’s already poor position. However, even if the resolution is adopted, it will not be binding, and Republika Srpska will not implement it.

“The Serb people have suffered throughout history. We have never sought to take what belongs to others; we have only defended our own. Unlike the Germans in the 1940s, who sought to occupy Europe, we defended ourselves. We defended ourselves even in the last war,” said Višković.

He pointed out that Germany and Rwanda, by proposing this resolution in the United Nations General Assembly, aim to cleanse their past since both countries have committed genocides, while they seek to label the Serbs as a genocidal nation.

Višković also mentioned that the UN rules are being changed because it is believed that there is no simple majority for passing this resolution.

“They do not have a simple majority, given that out of 193 countries, they must have the support of 97. They do not have 97 in favor, which is why they are changing the rules and postponing the vote three times,” Višković noted.

He emphasized that the resolution will not bring anything good to the people in BiH, and that the Bosniaks will not benefit from it either.

“They think they might benefit. Why? Because they believe they can reopen the case against Serbia for compensation for aggression. They will demand that Republika Srpska be abolished because it is a ‘genocidal entity.’ They have already lost that case,” said Višković, recalling that the judgments from The Hague held individuals accountable for individual crimes.

He reiterated that the resolution will have no effect other than self-satisfaction for Bosnia’s UN ambassador Zlatko Lagumdžija and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers, Elmedin Konaković, who worked on the resolution behind Republika Srpska’s back, with the tacit approval of the Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Denis Bećirović.

Višković called on the world’s powers to leave the Serbs alone and to focus on solving their own problems, such as the situation in Gaza.
