The hypocrisy in international law comes from the West, as evidenced by the fact that Christian Schmidt will not attend the United Nations Security Council when Russia and China preside but will do so when the United States presides, said the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik. He added that this demonstrates the complete division in the views within the UN body, and those wielding power have ignored the approach of Russia and China.

“It is unbelievable what the world organization and the UN Security Council have come to. It was envisaged that the High Representative would be appointed by the UN Security Council, but then under pressure from the USA and its allies, they bring in an unappointed Schmidt to address,” Dodik said to reporters in Banja Luka.

He reiterated that Denis Bećirović, the Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, falsely represented himself before the UN Security Council and that his address was not agreed upon in BiH.

“Bećirović, although his address to the UN Security Council was not agreed upon, claimed that he was speaking on behalf of BiH and falsely represented himself at the highest level of world organization. He undermined the Security Council itself, which has become a factor of instability in BiH instead of stability,” Dodik stated.

He mentioned that the false, superficial, and incorrect claims of Bećirović are evident from the fact that Haris Silajdžić sued Republika Srpska and demanded to know whether it has the right to address the Security Council.

“It was established that it does, as Republika Srpska is a signatory to the annexes of the Dayton Agreement, including Annex Four, and as such, it has the right to address international institutions, especially those responsible for monitoring peace in BiH,” Dodik said.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska is not waging any war, nor is it arming itself, nor does it have any war ambitions.

“We are not calling for conflicts; we want to avoid them and conduct our policies in accordance with Dayton. And that will be our policy,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
