On the island of Brijoni near Foča, the tourist offer and the best dishes of this region were promoted at the Gastro Fest. The specialties of the Sutjeska National Park, Tara and Drina rafting, canyoning, kayaking, and Sand Pyramids are attractions that are attracting more and more tourists.

Several Foča restaurants, associations, and farmers prepared plenty of food, whose aromas and tastes left no one indifferent.

Alongside specialties from restaurants, various dishes from the countryside, honey products, blueberry derivatives, mountain teas, were available to taste. The tourist offer was also presented by the Sutjeska National Park and the “Bakić” Hunting Association.

Among the many specialties, the “Drina Raft” dish was presented – veal and pork schnitzel stuffed with prosciutto, cheese, and kaymak, topped with homemade tartar sauce, representing rafting adventures.

“We have a new dish on offer, the ‘meštrevac steak’, also a schnitzel filled with various types of cheese and prosciutto, with an additional touch of sauce made from homemade crusts, or from verjuice from our regions,” says Miljan Radanović from the “Devetka” Restaurant.

Among the visitors to this traditional event are teachers and students from elementary schools in Belgrade and Ohrid, who are on a friendly visit to the “Veselin Masleša” Elementary School in Foča.

“Beautiful people and beautiful nature. This must be seen by many more people, many more people should see it, to enjoy this nature, this air, with good people,” says Mirjana Jašić from Belgrade, excitedly.

The tourist season in Foča began at the end of April. Tourists from all over enjoy rafting, and they are also expected in the Sutjeska National Park. With numerous natural and cultural-historical potentials, there are great expectations for tourism development.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Foča, Milan Vukadinović, says that the “Gastro-fest” is a continuation of the celebration of the Municipality Day, which extended the guests’ stay and showed them the wealth that this municipality possesses – from the Sutjeska National Park, Tara Nature Park, and rafting on the river, to the Sand Pyramids and Brijoni Island.

“All of these are great potentials on which we should base the economic growth and development of the municipality, as one of the foundations of future development,” emphasized Vukadinović.

The promotion of tourism and the Gastro Fest were organized as part of the May festivities.

Source: RTRS
