The Government of Montenegro, although announced, did not discuss the resolution on Srebrenica today. “The support for this document announced by Prime Minister Miloš Spajić is a shameful act by Montenegro, and Jasenovac and Srebrenica are not comparable,” said the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in response to Podgorica’s decision to support the document in the UN General Assembly and to announce a new initiative – a Resolution on Jasenovac – to Montenegrin deputies. The Srebrenica resolution, he says, is a political platform intended to undermine Republika Srpska.

“There is no need for discussion,” says Montenegrin Prime Minister Miloš Spajić. It seems that there isn’t, considering that Spajić has finally revealed his cards before the assembly. Under the guise of investing two amendments, Montenegro will support the Srebrenica Resolution. The local assembly, as compensation or not, announces a Resolution on Jasenovac. Srebrenica and Jasenovac are not comparable, insists Milorad Dodik.

“We must stop that. It is incomparable to compare. We, Serbs, especially from Republika Srpska, should avoid that trap of comparison. They want to give importance to Srebrenica, not to pay homage and respect to the victims of Jasenovac. Jasenovac is so horrific in itself,” said Dodik.

The Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vulin, shares the same stance. He supports the initiative of the Assembly President to adopt a resolution on Jasenovac, but emphasizes that the genocide committed by the Ustasha in the Jasenovac camp cannot be equated with the events in Srebrenica, where a crime of such magnitude did not occur.

“The Jasenovac genocide and the false genocide in Srebrenica are not the same. These two things cannot be equated, and it cannot be said that we committed genocide in Srebrenica and you did in Jasenovac. No, we did not commit genocide in Srebrenica, and in Jasenovac genocide was committed,” Vulin stated.

It is unexpected, nor is it pleasant, but we will not forget, emphasizes the President of Republika Srpska. We will continue to support the Serbian people in Montenegro oppressed by the regime of Milo Đukanović. The proposal for the Srebrenica resolution is, he warns, a heavy document that will remain permanently in the people’s perception.

“And those who voted for something like that, because it’s a political document, have nothing to do with convictions. They say it’s individual guilt. You’ve finished what you’ll do now at a political level. Why are embassies coordinating now? Why are states reacting now? If you’ve already had a trial, why now this? A political platform intended to undermine Republika Srpska. We will need additional strength,” Dodik added.

The voting and the process of collecting support for the resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly have departed from regular procedures, warns Serbian member of the Presidency Željka Cvijanović. She reminds that the BiH ambassador to the UN did not receive such a task because the BiH Presidency did not decide on it, although it is competent for such matters. Procedures cannot be violated, and the resolution is flawed.

“If you have brought the resolution to the point of measuring strength, changing the voting system to secure one more vote, I think it is an insult to the victims. For all victims, for me, it is an insult. The resolution has not arisen accidentally, and this document is supposed to fulfill many set goals of individual representatives of states. RES You want to have a vote of no confidence, show muscles. If you want to work behind our backs, you don’t want to try to explain or bring this to the ground of something that would be reconciliation. You want us to split,” Cvijanović said.

That procedures were violated, that there is no decision of the BiH Presidency, as envisaged by the Constitution, that there were no consultations, and that everything was done in secrecy, was warned in a letter by the President of the General Assembly and all missions of states to the UN, the sender of which was the Serbian Mission to the UN, Sasha Mart. In response to his letter, Lagumdzija replied to the same addresses, condemning Mart’s allegations. He claims that the draft resolution text is not offensive to any country or its people.

Source: RTRS
