At the “Srpska te zove” rally, Milica Đurđević Stamenkovski, the president of the Serbian party “Zavetnici,” stated that Serbs from Serbia and Republika Srpska are gathered today in Banja Luka to send a message of unity and solidarity.

“What kind of Serbs would we be if we did not stand with Republika Srpska when it needs us most?” Đurđević Stamenkovski asked.

She highlighted that behind the notorious UN resolution on Srebrenica is Germany, a nation with a legacy containing the most severe and deepest elements of genocide in Europe.

“This resolution is initiated by those who, instead of introspecting their past and reevaluating their history, dig through ours,” Đurđević Stamenkovski stated.

She expressed that the motive behind this is the dehumanization and destruction of Republika Srpska.

“Republika Srpska is not the result of genocide, but a defense against genocide; it is not an act of aggression, but a deed of defense; it is not a spoil of war, but a fruit of peace,” Đurđević Stamenkovski declared, adding that Republika Srpska is a safeguard for the Serb people from genocide.

She called upon the Serb people in Republika Srpska for unity and harmony, affirming that Serbia stands with Republika Srpska and its people.

Source: RTRS
