Anđelko Nosović, President of the Republika Srpska Association of Camp Inmates, believes that the Srebrenica resolution is unacceptable and cannot question the survival of Republika Srpska, emphasizing the need to consider independence.

“The sole purpose of this shameful resolution is to demonize the Serb people because the narrative of Srebrenica is not new; it is a concocted and premeditated story by part of the international community that wants to label the Serb people as genocidal,” Nosović told Srna.

He expressed that the label of a criminal and genocidal people could not possibly be attributed to the Serbs, reminding that the Serb people are once again being cornered with ultimatums and threats.

Nosović suggested that the response should be to contemplate the independence of Republika Srpska, stressing that the Serb people must be united as Republika Srpska must be defended at all costs.

He recalled the historical suffering of the Serb people over centuries, highlighting that Germany seeks to dominate these territories and demonize the Serbs.

“Germany has committed terrible crimes against the Serbs in both World Wars, and now it is trying a third time through Christian Schmidt to destroy and demonize the Serb people,” Nosović concluded, commenting on the initiative to adopt the resolution in the UN launched by the Bosniak part of the BiH mission at the UN.

The Independent International Commission for the Investigation of the Suffering of All Peoples in the Srebrenica Region from 1992 to 1995 concluded that no individual crime of genocide, nor genocide in general, occurred in Srebrenica.

Source: RTRS
