The President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, Nenad Stevandić, who is visiting Moscow, has announced agreements and the signing of treaties in the Russian Duma.

“I am preparing to give a speech on behalf of Republika Srpska among my colleagues, which should portray the relationship between traditional relations and the challenges of the modern era. I hope I won’t disappoint anyone,” Stevandić stated on the social network X.

He emphasized that in the history of Russian-Serb relations, there have been no mutual wars, that there is a very similar attitude towards the family, towards tradition as something that will preserve the future from dehumanization.

“We are proud of these relations, they are very long-lasting, with deep roots, and have endured many historical hardships without spoiling the good relations among the oldest Slavic peoples, Serbs and Russians, as well as among other Slavic peoples,” highlighted Stevandić.

Source: RTRS
