The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated yesterday that the process being conducted against him at the Court of BiH is rigged and that its ultimate goal is to ban his political activities.

Dodik vowed not to allow the constitutional rights of Republika Srpska to be questioned.

“The political process being conducted at the Court of BiH will eventually backfire on those who have orchestrated it,” said the President of Srpska.

He emphasized that the Court and the Prosecution of BiH have been misused for political purposes.

“I am a citizen of Republika Srpska and BiH. I feel attacked and unsafe in BiH because it involves the misuse of institutions that do not exist in accordance with the Constitution, namely the Court and the Prosecution which serve political and other interests that are not in the interest of the people living here. This is about bringing legally elected individuals into a position to answer before people who were not democratically elected nor accountable to the people,” Dodik said at a press conference in East Sarajevo after the hearing at the Court of BiH.

Dodik expressed his trust in his defense team and said that this is a battle against foreigners attempting to impose colonial and definitive governance.

He stressed that this is a process against BiH that will strip it of its strength by removing the right to sovereign decision-making through a judicial system envisioned by the Constitution, which did not anticipate the existence of the Court and Prosecution of BiH imposed by foreign decisions.

Dodik reiterated that Republika Srpska is committed to the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of BiH.

Source: RTRS
