Republika Srpska is threatened by the actions of the illegal Christian Schmidt and the interventionism of the international community.

This warning came from the newly formed “Defense of Srpska” Movement. At a lecture in Banja Luka, the message was that Republika Srpska, only through unity, can become stronger.

Through a staged process of political persecution against President Milorad Dodik, there is an attempt to decapitate Republika Srpska and its institutions, bringing it to a state of an empty shell, warns Darko Matijašević. Only with strength and national unity can Srpska decisively fight against the increasingly frequent pressures.

“Srpska has all the prerogatives of statehood, it has all the elements of strength to emerge even stronger from this through a peaceful, democratic, superior legal, and political approach based on unity,” Matijašević stated.

The answer is harmony and unity, and only in this way can Republika Srpska be defended, proclaim the fighters who created the Republic.

“In all this, the greatest unity of the Serb people is in the unity where we started at the beginning of the war and freed the territory by the end of the war,” emphasized Radosav Banjanin, president of the Association of VRS Pensioners.

In BiH, the rule of law is advocated only when it suits certain power centers, believes Nina Sajić, a professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka.

Despite witnessing gross violations of rights, these power centers, says Sajić, fail to recognize it.

“The strategies are much more insidious used by various power centers that try to endanger the existence of Srpska, or at the very least, its autonomy. They are often hidden, frequently under the guise of European integration and the aforementioned rule of law,” Sajić pointed out.

The current pressures and attacks on Srpska are the most complex since the end of the Defensive-Patriotic War, was the message at the lecture.

Source: RTRS
