If Republika Srpska is able, it will not hesitate to seek BRICS status, said Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik on tv show Telering.

He emphasized that Republika Srpska’s representation will go to the BRICS sports games in Kazan.

“We are preparing our teams to participate in these games. These are games that have taken place before, and the idea is to have BRICS participation. We have received an invitation. It has nothing against BiH. The UK has several representations, why couldn’t we?” Dodik mentioned.

He emphasized the continuity of conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“It’s very important for Republika Srpska to recognize its position, to gain solidarity for open issues that can help, to agree on economic projects on an economic plan, like the need for the construction of a gas pipeline from Bijeljina to Banja Luka, where we were not our fault stopped in that field, Sarajevo and Bosniaks prevented us. If we had done it, from when we asked, Banja Luka would have been a gas center. We would have cheap gas; we went for it to negotiate a stable price. They prevented us, causing us serious economic damage. Heating in Belgrade is cheaper than in Banja Luka because they use gas,” says Dodik.

He pointed out that the Federation of BiH is hostilely disposed towards Russia, which is known in Russia.

“Because of our stance, they were not increased the gas price. If we had had sufficient quantities of gas, we could have built two gas chambers, a lower price, because someone in Sarajevo thinks that Serbs don’t need it,” Dodik states.

Dodik emphasizes that Putin is one of the most important people in the world.

“We talked about the positions of Republika Srpska and relations in the Balkans, but also about the problems of Ukraine, the European Union, and America. This was one of the conversations at the highest strategic level, it does not have any message that should endanger the situation. A small Republic with a million and a half inhabitants surrounded by NATO, the EU, a small Republic that does not have a seat in the UN, a small Republic by the scope of its policies, because it is a street in Moscow if not smaller, managed to break through the scene and to talk with people,” the President of Republika Srpska conveyed.

Source: RTRS
