Sanin Musa is a reflection of a mononational, mono-religious, and security-risk Sarajevo, and there are no minimum security conditions for President of the Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik to attend the hearing scheduled for Monday, February 5, said security expert Jevad Galijasevic to SRNA.
Galijasevic warned that Sanin Musa is part of structures that pose a serious security threat, and for this reason, his actions should be taken very seriously.
“He personally passes through security service records as a person who poses a threat. His address through social networks is, in fact, an invitation to Wahhabi elements to come, not obtaining permits or approvals from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Sarajevo Canton,” Galijasevic noted.
He conveyed that there are no objective security conditions for such a trial against President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik.
“Sanin Musa is a mirror of the Sarajevo bazaar, political circumstances, and the state of mind prevailing in Sarajevo, and in such conditions, it is not safe for the President of the Republika Srpska to go to trial,” said Galijasevic.
He emphasized that Sarajevo is a city where Islamists and Wahhabis from all over the world are willingly accepted.
“Sanin Musa is not the only Islamist who expresses himself through social networks. For some reason, Western structures have widely opened social networks in the last six months for the appearance of Islamists who were either mujahideen in the war, were connected to the liquidations that occurred, or were part of certain Wahhabi structures connected to post-war terrorism,” reminded Galijasevic.
He claims that Musa did not accidentally speak out on social networks on the day when the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O’Brien, arrived in Sarajevo, who, with his rhetoric, “gave momentum to such radicalism, anti-Serb sentiment, and attacks on the President of the Republic of Srpska and the Republika Srpska.”
“It is clear that the situation is far more serious. On the one hand, we have a complex geopolitical moment in which Islamists worldwide are mobilized due to events in the Middle East, in Gaza, and in Yemen, due to the story of bombing Iraq and Syria. Islamists are on their feet,” Galijasevic warned.
He pointed out that Musa deliberately sends an invitation to Wahhabis to come in front of the Court of BiH and clash with people supporting Dodik.
“People who support Dodik are holders of the most important institutional powers and responsibilities at the BiH level,” said Galijasevic, adding that Musa’s call is a call for the lynching of Serbs in front of the Court of BiH.
He pointed out that this confirms that joint institutions cannot function in Sarajevo in the interest of anyone other than the Bosniaks.
“These are mononational, Muslim institutions, and it is not surprising that Sanin Musa understands them as his own and calls on Wahhabis to support the Court at a time when the president of that court is in custody and when the former director of the Intelligence-Security Agency is in custody,” explained Galijasevic, adding that this is an abuse of the Court of BiH.
He emphasized that Dodik risks his safety by attending the hearing.
“It is another question that such a process is senseless; it is an unprecedented fabricated process in which they judge for a criminal act invented by a man without authority, who plays the high representative, who lies that he has international support, and that some Council for the Implementation of Peace can empower him even though such an organ is not mentioned in the Dayton Peace Agreement,” Galijasevic concluded.
He highlighted that the fabricated process against the President of the Republika Srpska turns into a platform for his liquidation, and one should be extremely cautious when going to trials.

Source: RTRS
