In Bihać, young Serb football players from Drvar were physically and verbally attacked during a small football tournament. The attackers insulted them by using derogatory language related to their Serb and Chetnik identities, as stated by the Drvar Football Club Borac, emphasizing that this attack on Serb children is an incident of significant proportions.

“In addition to the physical assault on one underage football player, who suffered minor physical injuries below the eye, the team was verbally attacked in the most vulgar manner, specifically with insults related to their Serb and Chetnik identity,” stated representatives from this sports collective.
Drvar’s Borac, along with parents, is demanding an urgent reaction from the authorities to resolve this incident and ensure it never happens again.

“This event must not be covered up. Drvar and Bihać have always had good relations, but this case has shocked us,” emphasized the Borac representatives.
The sports collective noted tragically that older individuals, over 30 years old, attacked young athletes from Drvar, aged 14 to 18.

“It is incomprehensible that hatred and nationalism are spreading in sports,” they conveyed regarding the incident, which the police in Bihać have been informed about.
The Mayor of Drvar, Dušica Runjić, strongly condemned the attack and appealed to the relevant institutions and organizers to sanction those responsible so that good cooperation can continue at the sports and every other level between Bihać and Drvar.

“I am surprised by this event mainly because Drvar and Bihać have correct relations and cooperation, considering that our 13 pre-war villages belong to the city of Bihać, and our services collaborate on a daily basis. Our football and basketball players have played for Bihać clubs in previous seasons, and competitions have taken place in a good sports spirit,” said Runjić.

She emphasized that it is additionally offensive that adults attack children, showing the opposite of setting an example of peace and tolerance.

Source: RTRS
