The Prime Minister of the Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, stated that salaries in the Republika Srpska are increasing, the economy is competitive, and tax incentives are the most stimulating in the region.

Republika Srpska invests 420 million BAM annually in the economy, and this will be the case next year, in 2025. Taking into account the past few years, it amounts to more than 1.2 billion BAM. That’s why we have salary growth, a competitive economy, and the most stimulating tax incentives in the region – said Višković, responding to statements by the President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republika Srpska, Pero Ćorić, and the Vice President of the Union of Employers’ Associations, Dejan Mijić.

Ćorić emphasized that it is necessary to improve the quality of education in the Republika Srpska to align it with the labor market and provide 30 million BAM to the Republic’s budget for the next year.

Challenges are becoming more present, the continuation of the energy crisis, inflation is present, there is a shortage of labor, which has affected the business of the economy this year – said Ćorić, discussing the Proposal of the Economic Reform Program of the Republika Srpska for the period 2024-2026.

He pointed out that it is evident that there is no increase in funds for the economy in the budget of the Republika Srpska for the next year, i.e., for improving business and technological development.

I call on the Government to define an amount of 30 million BAM so that entrepreneurs will be encouraged for new investments, higher salaries, and technological development – Ćorić added.

He emphasized that more funds are needed for entrepreneurs to participate in trade fairs but also to work more intensively on supporting employment in the economy due to the evident lack of workforce.

We understand the problems in health and education, but these areas cannot exist without a successful economy. I expect the Government and the National Assembly to intensify cooperation with entrepreneurs to improve reform processes – Ćorić emphasized.

Mijić stated that the Union of Employers’ Associations consistently contributes to shaping economic policy to create a productive and socially just community.

Given the significant emigration of citizens, it is necessary to create an environment in which citizens can live better. It is necessary to affirm work and work habits but also to point out the advantages of living in the Republika Srpska and the problems of those who go to live abroad – said Mijić.

He believes that the economy is crying out for technological development but also for the workforce.

It is necessary to dedicate ourselves to work and the overall progress of the Republika Srpska. The development of the economy has created the need for more capable workers – Mijić concluded.

Source: RTRS
