“Minister of Security in the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nenad Nešić, stated in tv show ‘Pečat’ that any conviction against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, questions the survival and existence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He mentioned that to judge someone who hasn’t done anything is truly stressful. Stressful for him as a member of the Serb people, but also for all members. It sends a message about what awaits the Serb people if they don’t have Republika Srpska. It’s a significant message for all of us here in Srpska that this value, Republika Srpska, is something we must not lose,” said Nešić.

He added that he would prefer no Serb ever appears in such a court.

“The trial of the President of Srpska is the trial of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Any conviction against the President would put the survival and existence of BiH into question, especially in this form. I fear that this trial, if they convict the President, will lead to the abolition of Republika Srpska. Dodik isn’t being defended in the Court of BiH; it’s Republika Srpska that is being defended,” Nešić stated for RTRS.

He mentioned that no verdict would be acceptable to him other than an acquittal for Dodik.

“As a Serb from Republika Srpska, I believe it’s best to end this mockery of the Court of BiH, to restore stability in BiH, and move forward,” Nešić concluded.

Nešić expressed satisfaction in supporting the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, but he’s unhappy about the fact that this is taking place in the Court of BiH.”

Source: RTRS
