“After the President of Republika Srpska conveyed from Sarajevo that foreigners will not govern Bosnia and Herzegovina, impose laws, or judge legally elected representatives, Christian Schmidt intervened to present the conclusions of the PIC’s steering board. Two days later, the OHR discussed the situation regarding the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement – the conclusion remains the same: Republika Srpska is seen as the cause of problems in undermining the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

“From Republika Srpska, the message is clear – there is no such thing as PIC within the Dayton Agreement; rather, it is a self-proclaimed informal group for smearing and defaming Republika Srpska.

Following a two-day session, the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) spoke out. Without the presence of the Russian ambassador, they once again concluded that everything wrong in Bosnia and Herzegovina is solely the responsibility of Republika Srpska and its leadership. The OHR particularly emphasized, as they stated, the ‘secessionist rhetoric of the ruling coalition in Srpska and the undermining of the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina.’

‘Milorad Dodik emphasizes that he is not advocating for secession if he speaks in the name of the entity, has certain interests within Bosnia and Herzegovina; then that’s fine. If he continues, it will be a real obstacle,’ said Schmidt.

While those who defend the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement are accused of dismantling Bosnia and Herzegovina, Christian Schmidt and US Ambassador Murphy are, in fact, the only ones tasked with figuring out how to make life bitter in Bosnia and Herzegovina. President Milorad Dodik says they do this very successfully. He reiterates – PIC is a non-existent body whose communiqué nobody reads.

‘They are sitting in the non-existent PIC and deciding on what someone should listen to. I’ll just say that nobody in Srpska uses or reads that,‘ Dodik stated.”

“OHR’s statement also targeted the National Assembly because they’re bothered by every institution operating democratically, based on the people’s will, unlike them,” said the President of the Republika Srpska Parliament, Nenad Stevandic. He clarified that Srpska would not become a conduit for OHR’s uniformity and that no one would impose laws on them.

“Republika Srpska stands as a beacon, emphasizing that nations must sovereignly make decisions, maintain peace through agreements, which are the principles underlying the Dayton Agreement. It’s about the cooperation and consensus among nations and entities. However, everything that the PIC and foreign ambassadors are trying to do, along with the attempts of the illegal High Representative, amounts to violations of the Dayton Agreement and endangering peace,” Stevandic stated.

“And imagine, they demand collaboration with the ‘High Representative,’ and it’s simply unbelievable that they ask for cooperation while it’s clear that such collaboration should be with officials in accordance with the Constitution and other jurisdictions, and they do not fall into that category,” expressed Sredoje Novic, a delegate in the House of Peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

However, certain politicians from Srpska aren’t bothered by this. OHR and Schmidt especially thanked non-governmental organizations and certain politicians for their successful cooperation, including Jelena Trivic. Radovan Kovacevic expressed concern about Trivic’s involvement, outside the parliament, in defaming and spreading hatred towards Republika Srpska. Kovacevic stated that the self-proclaimed informal group PIC serves precisely that purpose.”

Source: RTRS