
Nešić: I do not feel safe in Sarajevo

Nešić: I do not feel safe in Sarajevo

The Minister of Security in the Council of Ministers, Nenad Nešić, stated for RTRS that he does not feel safe in Sarajevo after the convoy he was in, under escort, was attacked again today.

“I ask, if the first time was an accident, if the first time was, as they say, a traffic incident, what happened now, and how is it possible that a person who is prone to violence and the use of narcotics can work in the police? When will order finally be established in the Sarajevo Canton?” Nešić asked.

He pointed out that he has unofficial information that the convoy was attacked by a suspended federal police officer, known as a violent person who uses drugs.

“The question arises, if the first time was a coincidence, is it possible that it is a coincidence again? Does someone have a problem with the truth I am telling about Serbian victims? Do they have an issue with the fact that I refuse to remain silent in Sarajevo?” Nešić stated.

He emphasized that he will continue to work and will not agree to stay silent.

“No threats or violence can scare the truth. The truth will come to light, and I will continue to do my work, speaking about Serbian victims and what happened from 1992 to 1995,” Nešić concluded.

Source: RTRS
