
Konaković in New York once again speaks about Serbs and alleged aggression

Konaković in New York once again speaks about Serbs and alleged aggression

The Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers, Elmedin Konaković, never misses an opportunity to accuse Serbia and the Serb people of being criminals and aggressors. He did so again at the United Nations during a meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement. The Bosniak representative, bypassing all procedures, once again presented personal views as official ones. The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated that with every appearance, Konaković only reaffirms that BiH, as it exists, is nonsensical and is already a failed state. This kind of BiH has, for decades, been held hostage by Bosniak representatives who persistently privatize institutions that belong to all, emphasized the Serb member of the Presidency, Željka Cvijanović.

Blinded by the lights of the grand stage of the UN General Assembly, Elmedin Konaković, once again, on his own initiative and without any consent, spoke about the events of July 1995 in Srebrenica, accused Serbia of alleged aggression, and compared the civilian casualties in BiH during the 1990s to the current situation in the Gaza Strip.

“In many places in BiH, victims are forced to live side by side with individuals who tortured them. Even though it is a crime, the glorification of convicted war criminals is common and even practiced by some elected government officials. Our neighbor Serbia provides refuge to convicted war criminals who fled from Bosnia to avoid serving their sentences,” said Elmedin Konaković, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers.

In his desire to appeal to the Sarajevo crowd, Konaković is the clearest example of a true successor to the Muslim Brotherhood politics of Alija Izetbegović, said President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik. By his actions, Dodik pointed out, Elmedin Konaković only confirms that BiH is an impossible project.

“They are showing the absurdity of BiH, it is inherently nonsensical, but in this absurdity, they are achieving some of our goals, which is to practically demonstrate that BiH is senseless and has no future. I have already invited them in a previous statement not to be discouraged by the fact that we are calling for adherence to the Constitution, the Dayton order, the rules of procedure, and many other things. Let them continue like this, and one day it will be shown to be impossible,” said Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska.

Like all his predecessors and leaders of Bosniak politics, Konaković did not mention the mujahideen who fought alongside local Muslims in the 1990s, committing unimaginable crimes. The Serb member of the Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, questioned why Konaković did not speak about the numerous crimes against Serbs and Croats that were never prosecuted.

“His views are the product of Bosniak war propaganda, and as such, they cannot reflect the views of all peoples, nor of BiH. BiH experienced a tragic civil war in which all peoples suffered, not just one. By talking about aggression, Konaković is attempting to absolve criminals from his own people and minimize all victims except for Bosniak ones,” emphasized Željka Cvijanović, Serb member of the Presidency of BiH.

While war criminals who committed crimes against Serbs walk freely abroad, enjoying the inefficiency and unjust selection of the BiH judiciary, the Serb people endure accusations of alleged aggression. Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Marko Đurić, pointed out that Konaković’s statements undermine the stability of BiH and regional cooperation.

“There is no need to eternally dig up the evil that people committed in the past, some of whom have faced justice, while many responsible for crimes against Serbs, Croats, and Muslims have not,” said Marko Đurić, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia.

Legal expert Ognjen Tadić believes that Konaković and those like him are the biggest enemies of BiH. By building their careers on stories of alleged aggression and crimes, Bosniak politicians, in pursuit of cheap points with voters, are undermining the foundations of BiH and leading it to its eventual collapse.

“Konaković’s and other Sarajevo politicians’ inability to upgrade their political agendas with peaceful policies even thirty years after the war, while continuing to chase votes through war narratives, is the biggest problem of BiH. Consequently, they are the biggest enemies of BiH,” said Tadić.

While Konaković used his time in New York to insult and further damage the already strained relations between Sarajevo and Belgrade, Serbian representatives at the UN once again called for cooperation. President Aleksandar Vučić awarded Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzya with the Order of the Serb Flag, First Degree, for his assistance to Serbia during the debate on the Srebrenica Genocide Resolution.

Source: RTRS
