
Most tourists in Višegrad from Serbia

Most tourists in Višegrad from Serbia

The majority of tourists visiting Višegrad during this summer season are from Serbia, followed by visitors from BiH, Montenegro, Russia, Croatia, as well as passing groups from Japan and China, according to the Višegrad Municipal Tourist Organization.

Branislav Andrić, Acting Director of the Višegrad Tourist Organization, told Srna that the most popular tourist attraction in Višegrad this summer continues to be the Drina River, with boat and kayak rides, as well as Drina River cruises.

  • At the beginning of July, the Tourist Organization organized the traditional Višegrad Regatta, and on August 24th, the most anticipated event of the summer season, the diving competition from the Višegrad bridge, is planned. Several more significant tourist events are expected in Višegrad by the end of August, including the international art colony, the Licider's Heart folklore festival, a cycling marathon, and the international honey fair – Andrić highlighted.

He also mentioned that the end of the summer tourist season will be marked by the “Drina Pot” competition in preparing fish stew, scheduled for September 28th.

Andrić noted that the main part of this summer season has been somewhat weaker compared to the previous year, with fewer arrivals and overnight stays, due to multiple factors.

  • One of the major issues that negatively impacted tourism this year as well was the heavy traffic at the Kotroman and Vardište border crossings during holidays and weekends. Because of this, and due to the construction of the highway through Montenegro, many travelers in transit to the coast choose to take better-quality roads and avoid border waits, thus bypassing Višegrad – Andrić explained.

Mladen Đurević, Mayor of Višegrad, noted that the number of tourists in August has increased, and guests are impressed with the cultural and natural heritage, especially the hospitality of the locals.

  • We believe there is still room to increase the number of tourists, and it is important to improve the road infrastructure in the region to enhance regional tourism networking – Đurević emphasized.

He invited tourists to visit Višegrad, pointing out the value of visiting the Višegrad spa, religious and cultural sites, cultural-historical monuments, Andrićgrad, and the jewel of Višegrad, the Drina River.

Source: RTRS
