
Kesić: Bosniak political elite has privatized foreign policy

Kesić: Bosniak political elite has privatized foreign policy

The Head of the BiH Mission to the EU, Obrad Kesić, stated that the Bosniak political elite has privatized foreign policy, acting as they wish without regard for the law and the Dayton Agreement.

Kesić remarked that the resolution on Srebrenica has most evidently violated both principles that are the foundation of BiH, without which it does not exist, explaining that the basis of Dayton is the equality of all three peoples and decision-making through consensus.

According to him, issues significant for peace and stability in BiH were resolved until someone intervened, first with the help of Christian Schmidt and then by the ambassador and the US Embassy.

“They think they can build respect for their demands through threats and punitive measures, making us obedient. The problem is that the Serbian people have never shown obedience to the extent that they are willing to trample on all their own interests and their freedom,” Kesić said to RT Balkan.

Kesić assessed that the United States has put itself in a position where no one trusts them anymore, noting that agreements such as the Kumanovo Agreement, UN Security Council Resolution 1244, the Minsk Agreements, and the Dayton Agreement are not respected.

He linked the legal proceedings against the President of Republika Srpska with the processes against former US President Donald Trump, where, as he said, the goal was also to remove him from politics, or to make him withdraw from his presidential candidacy.

“Law has been turned into a weapon to prevent the activities of a political opponent. There is a great risk if Dodik is convicted,” Kesić believes.

He advocates for not accepting the verdict and for raising the question of Republika Srpska’s status within BiH, because an autocrat cannot condemn a political opponent based on disobedience to decisions that are not in accordance with international law and the Constitution of BiH.

Regarding EU enlargement, Kesić said that the Brussels bureaucracy would like to see expansion, but that it is a very difficult task, adding that Hungary supports this.

Source: RTRS
