By stating that “BiH is not North Korea,” Christian Schmidt has finally admitted that one man cannot make decisions for an entire country. And yet, this is precisely the power the unelected foreigner has claimed for himself in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
From Republika Srpska, the message is clear: unlike Schmidt’s unlawful decisions that have led BiH into its most severe crisis since its creation, the leadership of Republika Srpska makes collective decisions—backed by the National Assembly of Republika Srpska (NSRS).
“I finally got Schmidt to say: ‘One person cannot decide the fate of all citizens of a country.’ That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” said the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.
For decades, Bosnia and Herzegovina was governed by foreign colonial administrators like Paddy Ashdown and Wolfgang Petritsch, who stripped Republika Srpska of its Dayton-granted powers. Then came Christian Schmidt—a self-appointed protector with no international legitimacy—who, with the help of the controversial BiH Constitutional Court, targeted Srpska’s property rights.
Does Schmidt’s recent admission that no individual should hold such power mean he is finally acknowledging that he himself does not have the right to do so? Can a foreigner’s decisions override the laws and Constitution of a sovereign state?
“Unlike him, who is delusional, here we make decisions together. We have a Parliament, a Government—that’s where decisions are made. They’ve been trying to dismantle Republika Srpska for 30 years and have failed. I’m proud of the team that has managed to survive nearly impossible times—both in government and in opposition,” Dodik added.
Željka Cvijanović, Serb member and Chairwoman of the BiH Presidency, said that Schmidt has imposed a system worse than any regime in the world—a “Schmidtocracy.”
“A man who enforces ‘Schmidtocracy’—worse than any regime in the world—has no right to speak,” said Cvijanović.
In Republika Srpska, it’s clear to all that Schmidtocracy has brought BiH to its lowest point since its creation. Yet, this truth is not convenient for everyone. In Sarajevo, many celebrate their foreign protector—naively hoping it will bring them closer to Europe.
For the political leadership of Srpska, Schmidt remains a foreign intruder who—though neither an architect nor legitimate—fabricated a political process against the legitimately elected president.
“In North Korea, such political wickedness wouldn’t receive support, nor would its violence be legitimized and validated—as it is in the Federation,” said Staša Košarac, Deputy Chairman of the BiH Council of Ministers.
“In North Korea, such an international meddler wouldn’t be threatening, blackmailing, or attempting to seize property, sovereignty, and constitutional authority—while politically persecuting those who represent the democratic will of the people. But that’s exactly what Christian Schmidt is trying to do in Srpska. This isn’t North Korea. True—but compared to what this schizophrenic foreigner is doing in BiH, North Korea is a model of democracy,” Košarac said.
This abyss of uncertainty, as many describe it, is the result of international interventionism, Schmidt’s invented Bonn powers, and the actions of various self-proclaimed envoys. According to voices in Republika Srpska, with “Schmidting,” the line has clearly been crossed—and when compared to Schmidtocracy, even North Korea seems more democratic.
Source: RTRS