
USAID – Poisoning the minds of the World

USAID – Poisoning the minds of the World

Political scientist Ljubiša Malenica from the Center for Socio-Political Research of Republika Srpska emphasized that the essence of Western influence has always been the subversion of the local population and its self-hating indoctrination. He pointed out that the Law on Foreign Agents in Srpska is a necessary and purposeful measure.

Malenica stated that experiences from Russia, China, Hungary, Georgia, and even the United States itself support this approach.

“In the current circumstances, both globally and locally, where numerous political forces are converging, Serb political leadership is presented with a rare opportunity,” Malenica said.

USAID and the New Global Political Shift

The beginning of Donald Trump’s second term is marked by numerous measures taken by the new administration against the ideological and political legacy of the liberal American elites. Among the most significant developments in this internal American political struggle is the future of USAID—a de jure humanitarian organization, but in reality, an institution that has served for decades as a propaganda tool for U.S. authorities, financing political upheavals and social engineering across the world.

According to a U.S. Congressional committee investigation, USAID had a $40 billion budget in fiscal year 2023 alone. Meanwhile, Elon Musk, a prominent figure in the new Trump administration, has proposed completely shutting down the agency, calling it “irreparable.” Democratic representatives immediately condemned the move, arguing that USAID is an essential instrument of U.S. foreign policy—confirming long-standing suspicions that its declared “humanitarian mission” is merely a facade.

Given the vast sums—billions of dollars—that USAID has poured into the Balkans over the past three decades, it is evident that this region held a special place in USAID’s global agenda. Maintaining a manufactured narrative in the former Yugoslavia was a top priority for the agency.

Targeting the Serb population

It is no surprise that territories inhabited by Serbs have attracted particular interest, nor is it surprising that USAID’s actions included the promotion of self-hatred among Serbs. This was achieved through numerous financial links between USAID and so-called independent NGOs in Serbia, Montenegro, and Republika Srpska, exposing the true nature of the American influence exerted through USAID and similar organizations.

At its core, the agency’s primary mission has always been the subversion of the minds of the local population, encouraging Westernization by erasing indigenous cultural expressions and suppressing authentic national traditions and customs. This process is accompanied by constant social destabilization, promoting foreign ideologies and behaviors while keeping targeted societies politically and economically colonized for the benefit of Western—primarily American—elites and corporate interests.

This approach is fundamentally hostile to genuine national, religious, and cultural diversity. By extension, it undermines the very idea of America as a nation-state, an idea that Trump, at least rhetorically, supports through his slogan “America First.”

USAID’s actions against national interests

As USAID’s global influence expanded, its activities were directly opposed to the interests of nations and the very concept of national sovereignty. This inevitably led to subversive actions against the United States itself, as understood by the average American citizen.

Under these new global and local circumstances, where multiple political forces are aligning, the leadership of Republika Srpska now has a historic opportunity. Protecting social stability and security, this moment provides the foundation for redirecting policies toward those forces that align with Serb national interests—forces to which Srpska naturally belongs, beyond mere political context.

The need for a foreign agent law

All past policies aimed at strengthening the sovereignty of the Serb political space must now reach their logical conclusion. At the same time, this opportunity must be seized to implement systemic solutions and formal measures that will protect the people of Republika Srpska and their identity from subversive activities—both now and in the future.

The Foreign Agent Law in Republika Srpska is, by its very nature, a necessary and justified measure. Experiences from Russia, China, Hungary, Georgia, and even the United States all support this approach.

From a political science perspective, passing such a law undoubtedly strengthens national sovereignty. In the interest of Republika Srpska as a collective, there must be broad public support for initiatives that reinforce the foundations of Srpska’s identity and ensure that its future development is shaped by the needs and values of its people.

Source: RTRS
