The Director of the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs, Dragan Stanković, stated that official Sarajevo is attempting to seize Republika Srpska’s property, but the institutions of Republika Srpska will not allow it.
Stanković noted that the attacks and attempts to appropriate the property of Republika Srpska have been ongoing.
“They are operating on three fronts. The first is through the Constitutional Court, the second through attempts to introduce the concept of state property, which does not exist anywhere—in the Constitution or in the laws. The third is the illegal and unconstitutional usurpation of Republika Srpska’s property, such as when Sarajevo Airport seized more than 22,000 square meters of Republika Srpska’s land in the municipality of Istočna Ilidža to begin expanding the airport complex,” Stanković told RTRS.
He added that the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs (RUGIPP), after numerous warnings that Sarajevo Airport had illegally and unconstitutionally usurped land owned by Republika Srpska, has taken on this case to prove that this property is the inviolable ownership of Republika Srpska.
Stanković explained that any seizure of Republika Srpska’s property would lead to the dissolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as it would violate the Dayton Agreement and the territorial balance that allocates 51% of the territory to the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 49% to Republika Srpska.
Source: RTRS