
Petronijević: We cannot address the Court of BiH

Petronijević: We cannot address the Court of BiH

The law and certain subordinate acts do not allow us to act as defenders before the courts of BiH, unlike other former Yugoslav republics, stated attorney Goran Petronijević after today’s hearing for the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the acting director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić.

“We cannot speak in court, we cannot address the court, and we should not be addressing the media. This is what freedom of speech looks like, while our profession and our job is to speak,” said Petronijević.

Petronijević emphasized that he does not understand what attorney Anto Nobilo and he said in the Court of BiH that provoked such a reaction.

“I have questioned myself up to this point whether we said something untrue or offensive in the Court of BiH; you can judge for yourselves,” Petronijević said.

He also mentioned that the pressures from SDA leader Bakir Izetbegović on Judge Sena Uzunović led to behavior that is inappropriate for a judge.

“At one point, Uzunović fell back into a routine, and then she started threatening again,” Petronijević pointed out.

He stated that if Uzunović does not want the public to be informed about the trial, there is a possibility of excluding the public, which would leave them uninformed.

“The trial is public. The public and journalists are present, and each participant can present anything that is not false, and we will continue this practice. We will not be intimidated by such a situation; if there are other measures and no other measures other than threats,” concluded Petronijević.

Source: RTRS
