
“The verdict against the President of Srpska is already written, the process is a show”

“The verdict against the President of Srpska is already written, the process is a show”

The judicial process against the President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik and the acting director of the Official Gazette Miloš Lukić is a grand spectacle in which the central role is played by the self-proclaimed High Representative Christian Schmidt and the global powers supporting him, according to guests on the show Drugi ugao. They assert that the verdict has already been written and the objective is clear—to remove the President of Srpska from the political scene.

Radomir Lukić, a professor at the Faculty of Law in East Sarajevo, emphasized that the entire process is a “circus” that the judicial panel is attempting to present as serious, even though the verdict is already predetermined.

“The entire circus is set to conclude with a verdict in which Dodik and Lukić will be convicted, whether with a prison sentence or with a monetary fine as a substitute,” said Lukić.

He stressed that this is a case of state terror, as what is being done in the case against Dodik and Lukić has nothing to do with law or the rule of law.

Vitomir Popović, a professor at the Faculty of Law in Banja Luka, stated that the trial against Dodik and Lukić is a political farce with no connection to judicial proceedings.

He noted that the rushed manner in which the process is being conducted, where the defense is not being given the opportunity to prepare as prescribed, confirms that this is a politically motivated farce with the aim of removing Dodik from the political scene and attacking the institution of the President of Srpska.

Popović also remarked that, despite all this, the will of the people cannot be altered by any verdict.

Security expert Dževad Galijašević agreed that this is an attack on the institution of the President of Republika Srpska.

“This process is an attack on Republika Srpska and its constitutional order. It is an assault on the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of BiH. This is an attack on peace in BiH, and it is a call for war,” concluded Galijašević.

Source: RTRS
