
Raković: Crucially important to celebrate the Day of Serb Unity

Raković: Crucially important to celebrate the Day of Serb Unity

Historian Aleksandar Raković emphasized the essential importance of celebrating the Day of Serb Unity during his appearance on the morning program of RTRS television. Raković stressed that the “Day of Serb Unity reminds us of our great victories and unification.”

“We must not forget that the Serb people were united in 1918. At that time, our idea was so superior that no other idea could oppose it. I believe we are on the path to regaining that confidence. I hope we now have faith in a better future because we see that the Serb people are united despite imposed borders. Our collective consciousness is growing stronger every day,” said Raković.

He reminded viewers that there were times when Serbs were very united, and other times when they were not united enough.

“In recent years, we’ve seen a significant rise in the Serb idea. The dialogue between our leaders is at the highest level. The goal of Serb integralism is to legally and democratically restore our state. Our ideas should not be a threat to anyone,” Raković emphasized.

Raković noted that the unity of the Serb people will be crucial when a geopolitical situation arises that will allow for the just resolution of national interests.

“If, at that time, we make the right moves, there will be no issues. If we have internal disagreements, geopolitical changes will mean nothing. Serbs are one, indivisible people,” Raković added.

He also pointed out that the Declaration adopted at the Svesrpski Sabor is an important starting point.

“Republika Srpska no longer succumbs to blackmail. It is essential to see how the Declaration will be implemented and further developed. The Serb people have no other choice but to defend themselves, and the Svesrpski Sabor has demonstrated the strength of the Serb nation,” Raković said.

Raković concluded that the Serb people will find their place in the new global order.

“The Serb people, as well as their leadership, extend a hand to everyone. I believe in a bright future for the Serb nation,” Raković concluded.

Source: RTRS
