
Significant improvement in the healthcare system and development of medical science

Significant improvement in the healthcare system and development of medical science

The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, on the occasion of marking the twenty-year anniversary of the Association of Surgeons of Republika Srpska, met today with Zoran Aleksić, head of the Clinic for General and Abdominal Surgery and president of the association.

The meeting was also attended by the presidents of the surgeons’ associations from Russia, Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro.

Višković congratulated the Association of Surgeons on this important milestone and expressed his wish for many more years of successful work, emphasizing the importance of improving the healthcare system and the development of medical science in Srpska, according to a statement from the Government’s Public Relations Bureau.

He reiterated that the institutions of Republika Srpska fully support international cooperation between students and professors in the field of medicine.

“It is essential to transfer knowledge and that top experts from all parts of Srpska and the region educate young people from Republika Srpska, enabling them to gain further training and share experiences,” Višković emphasized.

Aleksić thanked Višković for the reception and support, stating that the Association continues its mission of improving surgical practices and the healthcare system, with a special focus on cooperation with colleagues from the region and beyond.

This anniversary also provides an opportunity to reflect on the Association’s achievements and plan future activities that will contribute to the further development of surgery and medicine in Republika Srpska and beyond.

Today, in the Administrative Center of the Government of Republika Srpska in Banja Luka, a significant milestone is being celebrated—the twenty-year anniversary of the Association of Surgeons of Republika Srpska. This association brings together surgeons and surgery specialists, with the goal of advancing surgical practices and the healthcare system in Srpska.

Source: RTRS
