
Cvijanović: I Strongly condemn the attack on Serb children

Cvijanović: I Strongly condemn the attack on Serb children

“I am horrified by the heinous attack on Serb children in the returnee settlement of Baćevići near Mostar,” said Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“I strongly condemn this senseless act and demand that the responsible authorities urgently prosecute and adequately sanction the perpetrators. It is shocking enough that someone would even consider placing Ustasha and Nazi symbols anywhere, especially on a children’s playground, but it is even more appalling that the local authorities seem to tolerate such things. This shameful environment, which understandably instills fear and anxiety among Serbian returnees, has evidently led to last night’s vandal attack,” Cvijanović emphasized.

She pointed out that the responsible authorities are obligated to ensure peace and security for everyone, including the returnee population, and therefore, it is high time they seriously address such deviant behavior.

In the returnee settlement of Baćevići near Mostar, several unknown individuals attacked Serbian children at a playground last night. The playground and the village were plastered with swastikas, the letter “U,” and “HVO,” as confirmed by the residents of Baćevići.

They also claim that there was a burst of gunfire heard in the village four nights ago.

Source: RTRS
