
Cvijanović: American ambassador should act in accordance with diplomatic norms

Cvijanović: American ambassador should act in accordance with diplomatic norms

Željka Cvijanović, the Serb member of the BiH Presidency, believes that not only the American ambassador to BiH, Michael Murphy, but all other ambassadors in BiH should operate in accordance with the norms of diplomatic or international law.

  • “This should be the conduct of every ambassador,” Cvijanović stated in Gradiška, responding to a journalist’s question about whether it is time for the U.S. ambassador in BiH to return under the jurisdiction of the BiH Embassy and refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of Republika Srpska.

Cvijanović expressed that what BiH ambassadors do not do in other countries should not be done by ambassadors when they come to diplomatic service in BiH.

  • “I have particular concerns when I see ambassadors taking on the role of leading campaigns instead of the opposition, and this happens frequently. Recognizing that the opposition is weak and unable to fulfill the desired goal, whether it be their own or that of external forces, they then assume that role,” Cvijanović pointed out.

She emphasized that there is a general need for consolidation within BiH, which implies that everyone knows their place, highlighting that the elected representatives of Republika Srpska are the ones making decisions in BiH because they are chosen by the people. Meanwhile, those coming to diplomatic missions in BiH should serve in a diplomatic manner.

Source: RTRS
