
Košarac: Political relations in the FBiH hinder the EU path

Košarac: Political relations in the FBiH hinder the EU path

Republika Srpska and its representatives at the joint level make a constructive contribution to the European path, as evidenced by our consent to the draft Reform Agenda within the Growth Plan for BiH, stated Staša Košarac, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

“Our proactive approach,” Košarac said, “effectively refutes the tendentious and inaccurate claims made by political structures in parts of the FBiH and certain media that Srpska is blocking or hindering progress.”

“No matter how much some individuals from the FBiH want to conceal it, the fact is that certain cantons in the FBiH are delaying and stalling the approval of the draft Reform Agenda, jeopardizing even the extended deadline given to us by the European Commission,” Košarac emphasized.

He added that the problem evidently lies within the political relations in the FBiH, particularly within the Bosniak political corps.

“Republika Srpska responsibly fulfills all its obligations and adequately presents its positions to achieve progress in EU integrations. Every step forward we have made so far has been thanks to the consent of Srpska,” Košarac concluded.

Source: RTRS
