
Kovač: Bosniaks are acting unconstitutionally

Kovač: Bosniaks are acting unconstitutionally

Mitar Kovač, Director of the Eurasian Security Forum, stated to Srna that the lack of permission for the entry of a firefighting helicopter from Serbia to extinguish fires in Republika Srpska indicates that Bosniaks in the joint bodies of BiH are leading a Greater Bosniak, unitarist policy and acting unconstitutionally, and that Srpska should take countermeasures.

“The Bosniaks in these joint bodies are simply leading their own policy, unitarist or Greater Bosniak, which ignores or marginalizes the positions of the Serbian people and the duties of Serb representatives at the BiH level,” Kovač assessed.

He pointed out that this also occurs in all phases of investment and economic development in the territory of Republika Srpska, where decisions cannot be made at the level of the joint BiH bodies.

“In all areas of life, there is a boycott, an unconstitutional, illegal process of behavior by Bosniak representatives in the joint governing bodies of BiH, acting as if BiH is their property and as if there is no need to harmonize decisions between both entities and all three peoples at the BiH level, as specified by the Dayton Agreement,” said Kovač, a retired general.

He stated that Bosniak politicians in the joint bodies of BiH behave unconstitutionally, thereby ignoring the positions of both the Serb cadre and Republika Srpska.

“It is not simple to say how to prevent this phenomenon, but it is certain that by blocking decisions or work at the level of BiH institutions, this process must be reset, and the entire decision-making process must be returned to constitutional procedures. If constitutional procedures and the Dayton Agreement were respected, we would not see such behavior,” said Kovač.

He noted that this obsession, or hatred, is becoming stronger, even in cases like firefighting, where there is an urgent need and every moment in the fight against time is very important.

“We see arrogance, but it did not start now; such illegal and unconstitutional behavior has long existed in their duties. I believe that Republika Srpska should have taken different measures at the BiH level or taken countermeasures much earlier to create a need to reset these relationships at the level of joint bodies,” Kovač stated.

Kovač noted that even before the resolution on Srebrenica was passed at the UN, Bosniak representatives of political Sarajevo in certain positions at the BiH level began to privatize the positions they held and did not consult the joint bodies and decisions of the Presidency as a joint body.

“The Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, who is in the current mandate, behaved as the president of BiH, as if a presidential system had been introduced. Ministers from the Bosniak ranks responsible for specific departments behave similarly, not consulting the decisions of the Presidency but acting independently, especially in the realm of foreign affairs,” Kovač warned.

Therefore, Kovač emphasized, there are problems regarding the engagement of helicopters from Serbia to extinguish fires in Republika Srpska.

Source: RTRS
