
A new tourist complex emerging on the shores of Đol

A new tourist complex emerging on the shores of Đol

A new tourist complex with beaches, a trim track, and vacation homes may soon spring up along the great Đol lake, the pride of the Jezero municipality. The construction will be strictly regulated, ensuring the preservation of the natural landscape, the lake, its shoreline, and the protected environment.

The project presentation for the development of the large Đol lake, which is part of the municipal development strategy for 2019-2028, aimed to explore possibilities for planned and legal construction at this site. The event was attended by, among others, landowners in the area.

According to Jezero’s mayor, Snežana Ružičić, landowners were informed about the plans and provided their proposals and suggestions to ensure the lake’s tourist potential would flourish.

  • “Although these are individual parcels owned by different people, we, as a municipality focused on tourism development, have taken the responsibility to protect the Đol lake. We have prohibited construction on this site until a proper planning document is created,” said Ružičić.

She added that the area envisions the construction of individual buildings that will be identical or very similar.

“This way, we will create an attractive tourist complex that will serve to develop tourism,” explained Ružičić.

Landowners agreed to create a trim track that will run through all parcels, eventually serving as a communal path. Landowners will build vacation homes at their own expense, although, at some point, a public-private partnership might be established, with the municipality potentially co-financing and assisting in the construction of the sewage system and other essential infrastructure.

  • “I am very proud that we managed to reach an agreement because it is in the mutual interest of the municipality and landowners to develop this area,” said Ružičić.

She expects the work could start this construction season.

  • “Landowners at the large Đol lake, as well as other residents of the municipality, have 15 days to submit proposals and suggestions for the strategy. We will strive to incorporate all quality proposals into the strategy to ensure we achieve a high-quality final product that will be significant for the local community, landowners, and all tourists and visitors to the great Đol lake,” said Ružičić.


Snežana Ružičić emphasized that there are plans to undertake projects in stages for the small Đol lake and the coastal area of Pliva. The small Đol lake has a physical connection with Pliva and covers an area of about half a hectare, while the large Đol lake extends over about two hectares, forming a unique hydrological system. Additionally, the lake is a popular fishing destination, particularly for pikeperch and carp.

Source: Glas Srpske
