
Criminal lobbying for Srebrenica resolution

Criminal lobbying for Srebrenica resolution

The manner in which the voting for the Srebrenica resolution at the UN was conducted, as well as the lobbying by the sponsoring countries, was criminal and based on false data, and its adoption degrades the UN Statute, the EU, and the rights of states to freely express themselves, said Carlo Bucola, who was a high representative of the UN during the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bucola stated that all the preparations over the past 18 years point to a political and criminal purpose, aiming to start a war in this part of the Balkan territory when politically needed.

  • “Through this, I would like to inform my superiors at the UN, President António Guterres, the relevant office, as well as the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, if they wish to listen,” Bucola noted in an open letter to the UN regarding the events in Srebrenica.

Bucola stated that the facts he presented can be confirmed with documents, video recordings, pictures from the scene, and notes made during the wartime events.

  • “With these actions, you have incited international religious differences, significant divisions, mutual hatred, and the creation of strong nationalist parties,” Bucola stated in the letter provided to TV M.

He claims that this method of influence has instructed the Balkans to reopen new hotspots.

  • “The primary measure for the presidents of states in the Balkans in this action is to enhance precautionary measures against the adoption of EU laws whose culture conflicts with their own,” Bucola said.

He emphasized that the resolution on Srebrenica was adopted through methods of blackmail, disinformation about the actual events, and imposing false data.

  • “This is why part of the EU delegates is initiating the revocation of the adopted resolution. Credible data are being prepared with a joint team from that area,” Bucola said.

He also commented on Christian Schmidt, stating that a new high representative was appointed in Bosnia and Herzegovina without the consent of the parliament of the three constituent peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which must be agreed upon according to the Dayton Peace Agreement.

  • “The illegal high representative changes constitutional laws at the behest of one ethnic side, thereby endangering the other two ethnic groups and creating a criminal state status,” Bucola noted, adding that as a UN representative, he repeatedly warned about deficiencies.

Bucola also commented on Croatia, which joined the EU, stating that an imposed standard has led the Croatian people to psychological stress due to the inability to live normally.

  • “Prices have skyrocketed in Croatia. New European laws are building a new culture, leading to frequent quarrels among the ruling structures and causing severe crises in the country. The Croatian parliament serves for quarrels, inappropriate behavior of its members, and improper remarks directed at the government and the Prime Minister of Croatia,” Bucola said.

He added that the Croatian people are dissatisfied with joining the EU.

  • “They are additionally arming Albanians in Kosovo to express hatred towards Serbia, which, according to international conventions, is a violation and could have tragic consequences in the future, similar to Srebrenica. These decisions were delivered by NATO without consulting their own people,” Bucola said.

He claims that Bosnia and Herzegovina, where corruption is highly prevalent in all segments of society and politicians are persuaded by foreign factors, is on a path of self-destruction and, through lobbying for the adoption of the Srebrenica resolution, aims to turn the Serbian people into Bosniaks and, together with Kosovo and Croatia and NATO, attack Serbia.

  • “Self-proclaimed Kosovo is ready to attack Serbia. Such a plan is prepared for the Balkans, a new Jasenovac and Srebrenica. We will not succeed in proving ourselves to Russia by destroying Serbia, even though we are violating all possible human rights conventions. That group also includes small Montenegro with its new and young leadership that has a great desire to improve the state of the country in any way,” Bucola pointed out.

He expressed confidence that the EU is aware of all this but does not react, thereby participating in these events.

  • “With such a stance, the EU and America influence Serbia to take a different direction, which will surprise everyone,” Bucola said.

Source: RTRS
