President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, sent congratulations to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on the occasion of Hungary assuming the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Dodik recalled that after a successful Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2011, Hungary is today taking over the presidency for the second time in this important European body.

  • “I sincerely congratulate you on this in my name, as well as on behalf of the institutions and citizens of Republika Srpska. Your presidency’s motto, ‘Make Europe Great Again!’, aligns with the ambitious presidency plan, as well as Hungary’s desire to contribute to finding much-needed answers and steps to overcome the challenges Europe as a whole faces today,” Dodik said.

He emphasized that Hungary is already a great and important country for Republika Srpska.

  • “And we firmly believe that under your leadership, the European Union will become great again. I express hope that we will soon meet at one of the events planned by Hungary’s presidency plan related to the Western Balkans. With the best wishes for the success of the new Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union, I warmly greet you,” stated the president of Republika Srpska in his congratulatory message.

Source: RTRS
