The Dean of the Faculty of Security Sciences at the University of Banja Luka, Predrag Ćeranić, emphasized that the threat of terrorism must not be overlooked, as terrorism is used as a method to achieve political goals.

“In terrorism, a political motive is very important. When the prosecutor decides on the qualification of a criminal act, if a political motive is present, then an indictment for terrorism is raised. Mevlid Jašarević, who attacked the US Embassy, ​​actually helped the prosecution by stating that he attacked the Embassy because American soldiers in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere were killing his Muslim brothers. Thus, in terrorism, the intention, or motive, along with the use of violence, the creation of fear and panic, and necessarily a large audience, is important,” Ćeranić told RTRS.

He stressed that terrorism is a global problem that needs to be fought against.

Speaking about yesterday’s attack on the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade and the security situation in Serbia and Republika Srpska, Ćeranić said that the threat is present, but citizens have no reason to be afraid and must have confidence in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Srpska and the Directorate for Combating Terrorism and Extremism, which operates with trained and professional staff.

Source: RTRS
