Slobodan Župljanin, Dean of the Faculty of Security and Protection at the Independent University of Banja Luka, stated that experts have long been warning about the possibility of terrorism, such as today’s incident in Belgrade. He emphasized that all security structures in both Serbia and Republika Srpska must be on the highest alert.

Župljanin explained that there has been a particular warning about the very dangerous activities of Wahhabi movements based in BiH, which also conduct their operations in other territories. He noted that the global moment is suitable for such activities.

“Current events in the Gaza Strip, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the general conflicts in Ukraine are all trying to be transferred to other regions because it is evident that those who instigated them cannot finish them and cannot keep them under control. First and foremost, I am thinking of the USA, NATO, and Israel,” said Župljanin.

He pointed out that Serbia and the Serb people in Republika Srpska are now targets because they are the only ones in the region remaining as freedom-loving people who advocate for resolving problems peacefully.

Župljanin believes that due to all of this, all security structures, agencies, and citizens must enhance their security and be vigilant in self-protection and timely reporting to relevant security structures.

According to him, terrorism and terrorist acts are very difficult to prevent, and it will not be easy to combat them.

“On the other hand, the resources available to the security structures in Serbia, and I would say also in Republika Srpska, must be raised to the highest possible level of alert to prevent any similar actions. There will certainly be such attempts in the future,” concluded Župljanin.

A member of the Gendarmerie, identified by the initials M.J. (34), was wounded today with a crossbow to the neck in front of the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade. In self-defense, he used his weapon and subdued the attacker, who later died from his injuries.

Serbia Interior Minister Ivica Dačić stated that the attack in front of the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade was a terrorist act against the state of Serbia, and the attacker was known to security services for his connections with the Wahhabi movement.

Source: RTRS
