The document on the peaceful dissolution of BiH is complete, confirmed the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, who announced that both the government and the parliament of Srpska will support it.

In an interview with Sputnik on the sidelines of the Vidovdan Celebrations in Andrićgrad, Dodik emphasized that the document was created considering the impossibility of Bosnia and Herzegovina functioning normally, even within the framework of the Dayton Agreement, which he claims has been undermined by foreign interventions, with the assistance of the Bosniaks and without consulting the other two nations in BiH, the Serbs and Croats.

The interview for Sputnik is presented in its entirety:

The document proposes the political dissolution of BiH and the formation of two independent political and territorial entities that will live and function according to an agreement based on this. Certain existing things, like borders and some other elements, should function for three to five years, while in the meantime, relations should be organized in a way that best benefits both people and goods, so there are no significant interruptions.

What exactly does this entail?

“It entails everything else – issues related to what, in layman’s terms, would be an inheritance discussion. We have done this very thoroughly. It is based on the Dayton Agreement, which stipulates that Republika Srpska is a party, just like the Federation. The joint level will not be involved because it has nothing to do with this – it is derived from the two entities. Everything happening in BiH aims to favor the story of so-called common, or as Muslims like to call them, central bodies. This does not exist; only the joint level exists, derived from the two entities. The foreign factor wanted to eliminate this and, hierarchically and in every other sense, give primacy to this joint level, which is completely contrary to the essence of the Dayton Agreement. Meanwhile, they keep saying they defend the Dayton Agreement. I think they have destroyed it to the extent that it can no longer return to its original foundations. That is why it is important for Republika Srpska to defend its interests in a politically peaceful manner by proposing solutions, like the one I have outlined, which will be offered to the Federation in the coming weeks. We already hear that there is an unwillingness to discuss this, but we understand that this is just the beginning, meant to engage not only the domestic public in Republika Srpska, which is fully engaged but also the public in the Federation and the international community to realize that BiH is a failed project and cannot become self-sustaining. It can be a protectorate, which has been shown, but it cannot be self-sustaining.”

What if this is not accepted?

“This is our beginning and proposal. We will persistently bring this to the public scene, public agreements, and discussions. The government and parliament of Republika Srpska will support this document, and it will be our official proposal. We will insist on them responding to it, not just by rejecting to discuss it but by continually presenting their proposals. If you propose the disappearance of Republika Srpska, that is not an option. It simply cannot function.”

The Central Election Commission has announced that on July 1, a draw will be organized for the fifth delegate in the club of Serbs in the House of Peoples of the BiH Parliament. How do you comment on this?

“This is proof that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a failed community. You have elections, you have an election commission that calls itself central. It recognizes and verifies all these results, then, under foreign pressure, after two years, they say their original decision was wrong, and then it goes to court, as that is the only way. Then the court and the CEC, which together are subservient to foreigners, say something was wrong. The question arises, how was it right before? Everything passed, it went through the same court twice, instances that confirmed the previous election, and now this court annuls its previous decisions. This is an obvious political theft aiming to redesign government bodies at the BiH level, introducing local traitors and their lackeys. In any case, we do not participate in this farce. You have the saying that force doesn’t ask God, but God doesn’t like force either. We’ll see, it won’t be as simple as they demand. They demand our participation in their farce. We have not participated, do not want to, and will not be present. You can’t do anything. That election commission had, from the Republika Srpska side, members elected by opposition political parties. There is not a single member elected by the ruling parties. They previously confirmed the validity of the previous election. And now, suddenly, after two years, they realize they need to decide differently. This says it all. When you have enough time to deal with Bosnia and Herzegovina on all issues, including this, you suddenly realize how right Ivo Andrić was when he said: when you enter Bosnia and Herzegovina, logic stops.”

President Vučić said he fears the consequences of a guilty verdict in the case against you before the court in Sarajevo. What do you say?

“The whole story is about having some foreigner impose a decision that supposedly has legal force, then the Muslims in Sarajevo accept it, and then they start calling for the use of previously imposed instruments as some part of the judiciary system. They start calling, accusing, indicting, judging. They change – three judges have been changed in my case, all three are Muslims. Of course, there can be consequences. We’ll see. The people of Republika Srpska must understand, though it is uncomfortable for me to say this because of myself, that among Serbs, their authorities have always been undermined, both political and others. Here, for years, for decades, there has been an attempt to undermine every political authority from Karadžić, Biljana Plavšić, Momčilo Krajišnik, and even Mirko Šarović, Mladen Ivanić, to me, Željka Cvijanović, Radovan Višković. It is simply unbelievable that no one is good enough for them. How is it possible that no one is good enough, that no one is normal and needs to be punished? But that is their way of governing. On the other hand, they maintain this story about some corruption, crime, which seems convenient to them. Meanwhile, their president’s son is on trial for crime. But they have power; they think they are the rulers of the world. We’ll see how long it lasts. Vučić is right; there can be consequences, and I will behave according to how the people react.”

What could be the consequences?

“If the people bow their heads and bend, then my struggle is meaningless. If the people rise and resist, then it makes sense to fight. The consequences could be the dismantling of Republika Srpska. The goal of this and what you asked about the third delegate and other things is to introduce a subservient government that would follow their projects of the so-called ideal Bosnia, which cannot be created. It hasn’t been created for 500 years. I can’t believe they think they can do it now. But for them, it’s simple: they come here for two or three years and keep pushing the same story. That’s why we are constantly in the same problem.”

You are constantly clashing with the US ambassador – we hear threats and sanctions. What’s next?

“Now they have targeted my family. Imagine, mentioning my son in Congress … What’s next? We won’t remain without some response. As you can see, we continue to exist here, we work, we will fight, there are ways. But the whole story is to destroy confidence in Republika Srpska and the Serb people.”

Source: RTRS
