Serbia Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Dejan Ristić, stated at the session of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in Glasgow that Serbia strongly opposes the selective culture of memory, citing the recent adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica by the UN General Assembly as the most egregious example of this.

Ristić informed the participants about the nature, territorial spread, and tragic consequences of the genocide committed against hundreds of thousands of Serbs during World War II by the Croatian state.

He conveyed that Serbia strongly supports the recently adopted recommendations of the international team of experts within the IHRA regarding the analysis of the current situation at the Jasenovac Memorial Site and insists on their immediate implementation.

He emphasized that Serbia, along with all IHRA member states, expects to be regularly informed by Croatia about the dynamics of implementing the recommendations related to improving the content within the Jasenovac Memorial Site, according to the Serbian Ministry of Information and Telecommunications.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance brings together 35 countries with full membership status, as well as several hundred of the most prominent experts.

Serbia has been a full member since 2011.

Source: RTRS
